The Cheater: It's the story of a woman who is cheated in love.
The Handicapped: In The Handicapped, a boy struggles to become an entrepreneur; he has to wrestle to acquire a license for setting up his own small business enterprise.
THE WOMAN WHO STOLE A LIFE: What would a woman or a man do when he or she is responsible for caring for a child and is driven out of her/his house? Here it is narrated what a brave woman did.
TERMS OF RELATIONSHIP: This short story narrates how the terms of relationships change in an orthodox society.
The Salt of Life: Here a woman in her late fifties is ready to give her life a fresh start.
The Parting Gift: A young woman finds peace in a village house.
MY NEST ON MY WINGS: It's a story of a woman who shows courage to face the strange odds of her life.
Recalled To Life: It is the story of a protagonist woman who along with her in-laws challenges the odds of life.
They are poor: they are not beggars: It's the story of the woman who endeavours to make her life on her own efforts and not by others' kindness and pity.
My Mother's Pencil Sketch: The young protagonist, a boy, finds his real mother's love in his stepmother.
When Fiction Visits The Fact: In this short story, the writer has tried to narrate and show that sometimes we face a strange situation. We are unable to decide whether an incident occurring before our eyes are FACT or a FICTION. Here, by the word 'we' I do not mean only the writers and poets. If anyone has encountered such an incident in his or her life, please let me know about it.
The Transplant: It is a story of a young woman who has to struggle while donating one of her kidneys to her motherly woman.
The Vicarious Wings: Freedom comes at a price: that is the lesson the protagonist woman teaches to her elders. :
Fear: The Enemy Of Love: The protagonist goes through a series of mental tortures, as she fears that her lover's past lover will surface again and would snatch her man.
Your Nest On Your Wings: A woman caught in a strange situation attempts a novel solution for her breaking/failed marriage.
My Mother's Remarriage: A young woman who hates the 'men' flock en masse, faces a problem at the time of her mother's remarriage.
CRITICAL STAGES IN A LAWYER'S LIFE - A HUMOROUS TALE: It's a humorous short story concerning the lawyers' and their clients' lives.
[IMAGE COURTESY: James Carroll Beckwith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]