Catch The Grave FastA short Story Narrating the helplessness of the weak at the hands of the Strong.

The CheaterIt's the story of a woman who is cheated in love.

The Handicapped: In The Handicapped, a boy struggles to become an entrepreneur; he has to wrestle to acquire a license for setting up his own small business enterprise.

THE WOMAN WHO STOLE A LIFEWhat would a woman or a man do when he or she is responsible for caring for a child and is driven out of her/his house? Here it is narrated what a brave woman did. 


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TERMS OF RELATIONSHIPThis short story narrates how the terms of relationships change in an orthodox society.

The Salt of LifeHere a woman in her late fifties is ready to give her life a fresh start.

The Parting Gift: A young woman finds peace in a village house.

MY NEST ON MY WINGSIt's a story of a woman who shows courage to face the strange odds of her life.

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Recalled To LifeIt is the story of a protagonist woman who along with her in-laws challenges the odds of life.

They are poor: they are not beggarsIt's the story of the woman who endeavours to make her life on her own efforts and not by others' kindness and pity.

My Mother's Pencil SketchThe young protagonist, a boy, finds his real mother's love in his stepmother.

When Fiction Visits The Fact: In this short story, the writer has tried to narrate and show that sometimes we face a strange situation. We are unable to decide whether an incident occurring before our eyes are FACT or a FICTION. Here, by the word 'we' I do not mean only the writers and poets. If anyone has encountered such an incident in his or her life, please let me know about it.

The TransplantIt is a story of a young woman who has to struggle while donating one of her kidneys to her motherly woman.

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The Vicarious WingsFreedom comes at a price: that is the lesson the protagonist woman teaches to her elders. : 

Fear: The Enemy Of LoveThe protagonist goes through a series of mental tortures, as she fears that her lover's past lover will surface again and would snatch her man.

Your Nest On Your WingsA woman caught in a strange situation attempts a novel solution for her breaking/failed marriage.

My Mother's RemarriageA young woman who hates the 'men' flock en masse, faces a problem at the time of her mother's remarriage.

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CRITICAL STAGES IN A LAWYER'S LIFE - A HUMOROUS TALEIt's a humorous short story concerning the lawyers' and their clients' lives.

[IMAGE COURTESY: James Carroll Beckwith, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]